Rental Opportunities

Rental Opportunities

Rental Opportunities

Our proud history includes welcoming community events in our first building (the “goose pond church”) where Abraham Lincoln offered his anti-slavery lecture at a time when he was considered too controversial to be permitted to speak in any other congregation’s building. Service groups such as AA make regular use of the facilities and pay a symbolic use fee. There are also commercial uses of the available spaces and we charge “market rate” for those spaces (and pay business taxes on these non-religious streams of income).

Contact business office Monday through Thursday to initiate conversation about space availability and proposed charges. Phone 344-5091 or contact us by email at

Wedding accommodations

Weddings are sacramental use of the facility and so we do not consider them in this category of rental arrangements. Our congregation makes no distinction between heterosexual unions and same-sex unions – and has taken that position for over a decade. We ask that if you are interested in a wedding in our sanctuary – whether led by our clergy or some other licensed official – please contact our office for a full text of our weddings policy including scale of fees.

Fellowship Hall

The lower level fellowship hall is carpeted and has excellent airflow, heat and air conditioning. It is fully accessible via an elevator from the foyer, with toilets close at hand. It can be rented with folding chairs and banquet tables and will accommodate about 200 patrons. It is served by the Commercial Kitchen via a large pass through or two doorways which allow effective traffic patterns for service.

Parking Rental Spaces

CUCC rents parking spaces with a six-month contract with contract renewals in August and February. The rental of a parking space entitles you to a specific parking spot for the hours of 6:00am-5:30pm Monday-Friday ONLY. CUCC also now has a few 24-hour parking spaces available for rent to students. These spaces are also rented for a six-month period with renewal in August and February. Please contact the church office at 217-344-5091 or if you have parking needs that match parking lot availability and would like more information about parking at CUCC.


This gathering space is carpeted and has great natural light. Adjacent to the sanctuary, it works well for small meetings, but can also be set up with chairs and banquet tables to comfortably seat about seventy-five. It can be rented in connection with the commercial kitchen (which is on a different level), but is also served by a small kitchen suitable for coffee and desert settings such as might be appropriate for an after-wedding reception.

Classrooms/meeting room

The facility incorporates a variety of classrooms, several of which can be set up to work for small meetings or workshops rooms as well as one purpose built meeting room. All rooms are handicapped accessible via elevator from the foyer. All have good air movement and heating and air conditioning.

Foyer/front doorway

Because the front door opens onto Sixth Street foot traffic, it is sometimes in demand for events such as textbook buy-back events appealing to the student community.


The sanctuary is traditional in layout with high interior wood beam ceilings and wooden pews and remarkable for qualities as a “live” concert hall. It has a very long reverberation delay and is commonly used as a recording space for musical groups. It is equipped with sound system and functions well for events that are in a traditional lecture format. It is provided with forced air heat and air conditioning and good air movement. It is handicapped accessible (via elevator from foyer) with a unisex bathroom on the same floor and expanded toilet facilities on the lower level.