Children and Family Ministries
Experiencing what it means to be part of God’s family is at the heart of our work as the Children and Family Ministry team. We encourage the children of the church, their families, and the extended family that is the congregation to interact with each other in meaningful ways, modeling and learning together through learning, service and community.
Children up to the age of four will find a warm and caring welcome in our bright and lively nursery, staffed by qualified caregivers who love being with infants, toddlers and younger preschoolers.
Our weekly Sunday School program for preschool through elementary age children is led by dedicated members of the congregation who strive to help our children learn and understand the stories of the Bible and that they are accepted and loved, just as they are, by God and by the people of CUCC. Together the children choose where their offerings will go—often to organizations like Heifer International or Habitat for Humanity. Fifth Sundays are designated for special hands-on mission and service projects so that even our young ones can experience what it means to make a difference for others.
Our middle and high school youth meet weekly for Sunday School, led by our Director of Youth Ministries. Once a month they also gather for Youth Group ,which is a welcoming group of students who meet at least once a month. We discuss what it means to be a progressive Christian and how real life (grief, sex, mental health, etc.) intersects with our faith, providing youth with the safe space they need to explore their faith and their place in the wider community. We enjoy our time together, playing games, making crafts and eating food. We also engage in other activities such as service projects, confirmation, and youth mission trips.
The fourth Sunday of each month is our “Families in Worship” Sunday, so that our children can learn how to participate in worship with their families, aided by special bulletins and Worship Wonder Kits designed to help them follow the service.
As we continue to grow and learn together through work and worship, we hope you and your loved ones will come and find your place with us!
Director of Youth Ministries: Jessica Smiley,