Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I park to attend Community UCC?
There is ample free parking. See Worship for details.
How do I get to Community UCC?
Traveling by car, arrive either traveling south on Sixth Street or east on Daniel Street. Most MTD buses through campus stop at the Union, and we are just a four block walk from the Union.
Is Community UCC a campus church?
Although we have many members who are part of the campus community, from professors to students, and we have an active Campus Ministry group, we consider ourselves a community church that happens to be very comfortably located on campus.
What is Worship Like at Community UCC?
What do I wear to worship at Community UCC?
What does “Open and Affirming“ mean?
To be Open and Affirming means that we are resolved that every aspect of our congregational life will be equally appropriate to persons who identify as gay, lesbian, or transgender, and to their children.
See About CUCC for details.
What does “Just Peace” mean?
We wish our emphasis to be on the dynamic of peace which is supported by justice rather than peace that is enforced by external powers.
See About CUCC for details.
Who do I contact for a prayer concern?
You can get your prayer concern to our pastor via her email, or by phoning the church office and leaving your prayer concern in her confidential voice mailbox (344-5091), or by placing a folded note in the worship service plates with a note that it is intended for the pastor. Be sure you include information that the pastor will need to get back to you about this prayer concern.
What programs are available for children at Community UCC?
Children are welcome at UCC, and we try always to welcome them on their own terms. See Children and Family Ministries.
What programs are available for teenagers at Community UCC?
The CUCC Youth Group is a welcoming group of young people who meet at least once a month. See Children and Family Ministries for details.
What programs are available for college students at Community UCC?
College students are always welcome to just walk in the door and be part of the congregation. We also have a Campus Ministry program.
How do I become a Member? What are the requirements for membership at Community UCC?
There is no theological “litmus test” for membership. Several times a year we hold a class for newcomers as a way of talking about the questions a person might want answered before deciding to officially join the congregation. Those who decide to join are welcomed into the congregation on a new member Sunday. There is no obligation to join and we enjoy the company of many people who continue as “friends” for years.
Is the church available for weddings and other special events?
The sanctuary is frequently rented by non-church members for weddings and because of its tremendously live acoustics, for musical events.
See our rental opportunities page for more details.